Defense of New Jersey
DWI and Criminal Cases

State v. Chun, et al.: New Jersey Supreme Court DWI Case

Expert Witness List

Here is the list of all experts presented by both State and defense. Eleven experts from the State and two experts from the defense came to testify in court. As you see just from the number of experts represented by each side, the State had much greater resources to hire experts than the defense. Having resources can greatly affect the outcome of the litigation. Regardless of the disparity in financial resources, the defense team did well to obtain impressive results from this litigation. A healthy sense of outrage on behalf of our clients, together with the confidence in my winning case strategy made the fight better than even up.


(State Experts)

Name Affiliation
Edward P. Conde U.S. Department of Transportation Volpe National Transportation Systems Center
Samuel E. Chappell, Ph.D. Consultant (previously employed by National Institute for Standards and Technology)
Barry K. Logan, Ph.D. Washington State Police
Rod G. Gullberg Washington State Police
J. Robert Zettl Consultant (previously employed by Colorado State Police)
Stephen B. Seidman, Ph.D. University of Central Arkansas
Hansueli Ryser Dräeger
Patrick M. Harding Wisconsin State Police
Norman J. Dee The CMX Group
Thomas A. Brettell, Ph.D. New Jersey State Police
Sgt. Kevin M. Flanagan New Jersey State Police

(Defense Experts)

Name Affiliation
Gerald Simpson, Ph.D. N/A
Michael Peter Hlastala, Ph.D. University of Washington