Location: New Jersey DWI Lawyer 609 Main St. Toms River, NJ - 08753
732-282-1394 (1DWI)
In New Jersey, riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs can be illegal. However, it is not considered a DUI offense. This distinction is important, as the penalties for a DUI conviction are far more severe than any for cycling under the influence. The Law Offices of Bartholomew Baffuto can provide expert legal counsel if you’re facing charges related to a DUI or other criminal cases.
Is A Bicycle Considered A Vehicle In New Jersey?
In New Jersey, bicycles are legally recognized as vehicles. This classification aims to safeguard cyclists and facilitate harmonious roadway sharing between bicycles and motor vehicles. Bicycles must follow the same traffic rules as motor vehicles, including using turn signals and obeying traffic lights and stop signs.
Applicable Laws for Bicycles in New Jersey
In New Jersey, bicycles are considered vehicles, and cyclists must adhere to all traffic signs and signals. This includes using turn signals, obeying traffic lights and stop signs, riding in the same direction as traffic, and having proper equipment such as horns or bells and front and rear lights for nighttime use. Additionally, cyclists are strongly recommended to wear helmets and reflective clothing for safety.
Riding a Manual Bicycle While Intoxicated
In New Jersey, riding a bicycle under the influence of alcohol or drugs is not considered a DUI offense. However, this does not mean that you can ride your bike intoxicated without any consequences. Under certain circumstances, a cyclist under the influence can be charged with disorderly conduct, leading to fines of up to $500 and up to 30 days in jail.
If you are facing charges of disorderly conduct for cycling under the influence, it is essential to consult with a New Jersey DUI lawyer to discuss your defense options.
Penalties for Riding a Manual Bicycle While Intoxicated
While not a DUI, a conviction for disorderly conduct for cycling under the influence can result in fines of up to $500 and up to 30 days in jail. In addition to these penalties, a conviction for disorderly conduct can also lead to a petty record under the crimes reporting system.
If you have been charged with disorderly conduct for cycling under the influence, it is essential to contact a New Jersey DUI lawyer as soon as possible. An experienced DUI lawyer can help you understand your legal options and fight for the best possible outcome in your case.
DUI on a Motorized Bicycle
Unlike manual bicycles, New Jersey law treats motorized bicycles with more scrutiny. The state has specific regulations in place that govern their operation and safety.
Distinction Between Motorized Bicycles and Motor Vehicles
Motorized bicycles fall into a separate category from motorcycles and cars in New Jersey. Key distinctions include engine size, top speed restrictions, and licensing requirements. It’s essential to be aware of these classifications.
Legal Limits and Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) for Bicycles
It’s important to understand that the same blood alcohol concentration (BAC) legal limit of 0.08% applies to operating a motorized bicycle as it does to driving a car. This means that if you are caught riding a motorized bicycle with a BAC exceeding the limit, you can be charged with a DUI.
Penalties for Motorized Bicycles
Penalties for a DUI conviction on a motorized bicycle are the same as to those for a DUI in –or on—any other motor vehicle. These penalties can include fines, sometimes jail time, sometimes license suspension, and the requirement to install an ignition interlock device. If you’ve been charged with a DUI on a motorized bicycle, it’s crucial to contact a DUI lawyer in NJ for assistance.
Operating a motorized bicycle while intoxicated can result in a charge of DUI. Cyclists facing such charges should understand their rights and the potential legal consequences of their situation. The experienced legal team at the Law Offices of Bartholomew Baffuto has a successful track record defending clients*.
*There is no guarantee of a successful result. Each case is unique. Results may vary depending on your particular facts and legal circumstances.